Rights and freedoms in Switzerland

Rights and freedoms in Switzerland

Art. 8 on equality before the law of the Federal Constitution oft he Swiss Confederation

1 Every person is equal before the law.

Switzerland provides fundamental rights that are applicable to all living within its borders, regardless of their ethnicity, place of origin, gender, age, language, place in society, political persuasion, as well as physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges they may face.

Freedom of religion and conscience

Art. 15 Freedom of religion and conscience

1 Freedom of religion and conscience is guaranteed. 2 Every person has the right to choose freely their religion or their philosophical convictions, and to profess them alone or in community with others. 3 Every person has the right to join or to belong to a religious community, and to follow religious teachings. 4 No person may be forced to join or belong to a religious community, to participate in a religious act, or to follow religious teachings.

This kind of freedom not only means that you are free to express your faith but also that you are free to change your faith. In some countries only one religion is permitted but in Switzerland every person is free to make their own choice. Discriminating against others for religious reasons, on the basis of their faith, personal convictions, political opinions, race, gender, or any other reasons is against the law. If you are being threatened or discriminated against on the basis of your religion, the perpetrator(s) become liable. Every person has the right to practice their religion, be that in their own home, federal or cantonal asylum centers, or public spaces. This right is accessible to all people in Switzerland, regardless of their place of origin or nationality.